
Walk in Two Worlds: AC Rogue Fic Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Walking along the streets, Katie and Shay watched the people passing as they walked toward Katie’s home. A crowd was just admiring the reconstruction of the catholic church, the one Katie and her family attend mostly. Katie gave a smile that seemed to had made Shay feel proud of himself for aiding the congregation, even though he himself would go on and off at the services. Shay only remembered being in a church when his Aunt Eliza had taken him from time to time, the oldest memories were the magic lantern that the father would show to the children. The thought one again turned his attention back to the thought of Liam. He oftener wondered about him, and the grief that he must be going through.

“Cassidy mentioned that you helped funded this with Monro.” Shay’s thoughts were interrupted as Katie spoke. 

“After the way those gangs terrorized this street, the Corneal reckoned we give the people hope.” 

“I have to admit Shay, you really helped turned things around here for this district.” Katie said, preforming a crucifix on her chest as they passed the front entrance.

“Well, it’s is only a building Katie.”

“This is more than just “only a building” Shay. A church can only just be a symbol of strength and hope for the community, but a place to connect with all things sacred. This building had been crucified by the street gangs as many times as I walked by Broadway. People were in fear constantly for the past four years. Most of the elders feared one day they would burn everyone alive while a mass goes on.”

Shay smirked, “I’m surprised that the king wouldn’t provide extra protection.”

Katie rubbed her temple with the base of her palm,”Perhaps all the soldiers are fighting the french in the New France mostly. I still can’t grasp why we needed to fight them, or why fight at all?” Of course Katie was secretly on the side of the British, but she needed to be on her guard since Shay seems to be on the British side of the fence now.  


As they approached the Finnegan’s home, Katie excused herself to go inside to hand the basket to Cassidy. 

“Oh, am I suddenly not welcomed in?” Shay asked playfully.

Katie laughed quietly as she turned to look at Shay. “Of course, you are, but Cassidy would be begging for you to stay and she’ll never let us out.”

“I of all people should have known, your aunt kept me cooped in that room for too long for my taste.” Shay scratched the white scar over his eye, it had healed beautifully over the course of the few months. Still, it itched the hell out of him.

“Well you wait here then, I’ll be out hopefully before the sun sets.” Katie turned on her heels and headed inside.

Shay felt beyond foolish not to notice the dress she was wearing until now. Any man would stop to see the woman in a red dress that seemed to be well made as it was literary sewn on her body, complementing each shape and curve of her body. It was a nice change to see her in something nice, not that she wasn't pretty in her other dresses; but the Finnegan’s and Katie deserve somethings nice for all they've done. The only thing Shay wished for was that Katie’s hair would not be confined to a bun. 


“I won’t be gone long, Uncle Barry, Shay just wants me to see his ship.” Barry had been asking Katie a wagon full of questions the moment she informed him and Cassidy about Shay’s offer. Will he accompany you? Will there be other men? Will he stay for dinner? Katie insured her protective uncle that Shay will never leave her side in order to show her the Morrigan. 

“All I’m saying is that men get rather suspicious and unbearable when a woman is a ship.” Barry was chopping the meat with such force as he spoke in protest.

Cassidy was chopping vegetables next to Katie as she said, “Your uncle has a point, Katie. Remember what happened to you when you tried getting on a ship?”

Katie rolled her eyes, “When I was a little girl. Look, normally I wouldn't go unless I’m on one of Pierce’s ships, but Shay will be with me. He did rescue me and you two from those gangs. I’m surprised that you are now unsure of Shay of all men!”

Barry placed both hands on his hips, looked down and nodded. 

“Aye, that lad is the only man I would allow anywhere near one of my favorite lasses in this world. Just be sure, that he wouldn’t f…”

“Barry!” Cassidy warned a hard tone to her husband. She turned to Katie, “Just be aware Katie, we never know what Shay is capable of now he is fully recovered.”

“I’m always careful with any man Cassidy,” Katie said, kissing both her aunt and uncle’s cheeks. “I’ll try to be back soon.”

“We’ll just save you a plate Katie.” Cassidy said. Before Katie could exit the house, she heard Cassidy cry out, “But tell Shay he owes us a visit for kidnapping you. You hear me young lassie?!” 

Katie chuckled as she shut the door behind her. 


Katie walked out to see Shay crouched down to the ground and stroking along Leo’s back. The orange cat enjoyed the long rhythm of Shay’s hand felling the fur. Katie shook her head and said, “You must be a miracle man after all. Very few times Leo would come down from the roof.”

Shay looked up to see Katie, he pushed himself up and dusted the knee he was kneeling on. “I never even knew you had a cat.”

“Aye, he was really Daniel and I’s, Cassidy just wouldn’t allow him in. There were few winters where she’d allowed him in.”

Katie patted Leo and started to head down the streets.

“Why the name Leo?” Shay asked.

Then Katie explained how Leo never left Daniel’s window seal that she started that name after the story of Daniel in the lion’s den in the Bible. Shay smiled as he listened. 

“Daniel?” Shay asked, raising an eyebrow.

“My cousin. He…he was always there being the big brother model.” 

“The Finnegan’s late son?”

Katie nodded. Shay couldn’t help but notice that Katie’s eyes softened with a mixtures of emotions. He decided to change the subject, and just as he was about to when the Morrigan’s red sails came into view. They both went down the steps from the fort to the ship docks.


Katie noticed that the Morrigan had the new sails placed on the rails. They were crimson red with two black celtic wolf heads snarling from side to side. The sunset gave the sails a deadly beauty and they shun through the fabric. She happened to notice that the crew wasn’t near the ship, nor on the docks.

“So where is everyone?” Katie asked.

Shay pointed southward towards a rank of buildings. “Theres a tavern not too far from here. I’ve allowed the men to-enjoy themselves for the evening, as long as they don’t spend all night with the owls in order to fly with the eagles.”

Katie giggled, placing a hand over her mouth. “That’s a new one. I never knew your could be so poetic.”

“No, really that was something my aunt Eliza often scolded me about when I was younger. God bless her soul. I was always out on the streets every night, and won't come back drunker than a drunken sailor or bloody tired.”

Katie nodded, tracing the railings. “I would of loved to meet your aunt, sounds like a woman I love to get advice from.” 

Shay’s face looked to the distant sky, “I’m not sure if that old female goat is still alive.”

Katie turned and smacked him on the arm, “Shame on you! She raised you, I don’t know her true, but show some dignity!”

Shay then lightly pushed her shoulder, signaling her to follow him. 

    Shay helped Katie up into the Morrigan from the ramp. She looked all around the deck, taking a quiet notice that everything seemed much cleaner and maintained from when the last gang held it. New guns and containers of hot tar kept a safe distance in a corner of the ship. Shay’s crew had really shown better citizenship for the Morrigan.

Oh hell, what did I just thought of? Katie thought. I just compared the assassin’s work to this crews work? 

Katie quickly asked Shay, “So what kind of ship is the Morrigan?”

Shay gave a proud smile as if he had been waiting a long time for someone to ask about this ship. “She’s a sloop-of-war. Do not underestimate her size, she can take a Man-o-war down if needed.”

“I believe in small statures that can put up a fight,” Katie commented, placing a hand on a rail. “A David and Goliath battle if you know what I mean.”

Shay nodded. “Nice to have a woman who knows a taste in ships.”

“Since when I’m your woman?” Katie asked a hand on hip. “I presume you were just taking me out to sail away and never return.”

Shay shook his head. “You are the only lass that could ever be so sarcastic towards me.”

Shay then showed Katie the captain’s quarters with a dramatic entrance saying, 

“This is my domain!” 

Katie was amazed how much rich decor was in the small cabin. A large oak desk was toward the wide windows, documents and maps occupied the space. A stand stood a yard away, obviously for the robes. A bed was also underneath the large windows, a small shelf with very few books were placed in there. Katie traced the desk with her fingers, circling a ring in the wood.

“This is nice. Could use a woman’s touch.”

Shay’s raised an eyebrow. His face expressed enough to ask her “Oh, and what do you suggest?” without having the words to express them.

Katie lifted a tattered curtain. “Theses for one need to go, they looked like they needed to be used for cleaning use. And…”

Katie looked at the extremely thin blanket. “Dear Lord, how can you sleep in something like this. It’s think enough to use as my handkerchief multiple times. How can you sleep in here when winter comes?”

 Katie also pointed out another interior decor. A rug. A few drapes. And more clean shirts needed. Shay just crossed his arms and took it all with a smirk.

“Want to see a view of New York?” Shay asked unexpectedly. 

The question made Katie turned her head away from one of the books from Shay’s shelves. Katie wasn’t sure what to say, she just smiled and placed the book on the bed.

She followed Shay outside the cabin and went to the center of the ship. He stepped on a box against a large poll, he urged Katie to step up as well. 

“Hold on tight.” Shay said, he wrapped an arm around her waist, Katie then placed her arms around his neck. He pulled a rope with a large hook with such force, that when it came up, it took both Shay and Katie vertically in the air with great speed. Katie didn’t scream, yet the unexpected flight was enough to catch her off guard; Shay then swung both himself and Katie to a square flat near the flag post. Her arms were tight around Shay, her eyes widen with excitement and a fearful surprise. Shay looked down and smiled, “Didn’t expect that lass?” He said as he removed Katie’s arms from the back of his neck. 

“Now why did you go do that?” Katie said. “We could of just climbed up the rope ladders.”

Shay rubbed his chin and shrugged. “Well, now that you mentioned it, I should of let you climb up first. After all, the view above me would have been glorious.”

Katie’s cheek blushed so hard that it could have been the same color as her dress. Then instead of shouting, Katie was suddenly laughing out loud. It was so contagious that even Shay laughed with her in harmony, causing him to bend down to his knees, using the mass poll as support. 

    When the laughing stopped, Katie looked out to see a magnificent site. Katie seemed as if she was gazing down from the top of the world. The crows nest overlooking the district and outskirts of New York seemed inspiring. When she found the courage to get closer to the edge, she slowly sat down, tugging most of her skirt under her legs. The wind caused a few strays of red escaped her bun. She’d gripped on the edge tightly as she was awestruck of the ocean view being painted with the sunset, making the landscape look more of what she’d imagined in books that she’d read in her childhood.

“I bet old King Georgie himself doesn’t have a view like this.” She said feeling the wind blowing through her hair. 

“Aye, it is. Although this ocean view is different compare to the radiance I’m seeing next to me.”

Katie playful pushed Shay and said, “Oh stop it, you don’t know what you just said.”

“Oh, but I do lassie girl.” Shay gave a hidden wink with a soft smile. “The hair with the sunlight compliment each other.”

“Yes, as well as the ocean.” Katie made the mistake of looking downward. “Small problem is I’m afraid of heights!” 

Katie’s mind felt dizzy and light as she looked down at the water. In truth, she was never afraid of heights, she is just not yet comfortable to be this high above the ground deck. Nor any ground for the matter. This she and Liam need to sanitize her nerves when they meet up for training. Her knees buckled and gave out as she fell backward. Shay grabbed Katie by the waist and turn her back into the poll. It wasn’t until her mind was cleared when she realized he was still holding on to her, and that she was gripping his leather robe. Shay released Katie as she straitened herself. “Thank you. You’re really strong.”

Shay gave a light bow, opening his arms, “Always a pleasure, spatially when it comes to rescuing a stubborn damsel in destress.”

“Oh so now I have the thickest skull? Says the man who cut a rope to lift both us up high enough to kill us if we missed the landing. Thank God Barry didn’t witness that.” Katie smiled as she thought of the exciting flight and how Barry would of reacted. 

    They both resumed looking out towards the sea’s horizon. Shay sat on the edge, dangling one leg over. He admired seeing someone who saw such beauty coming from the Morrigan, next to Liam. Katie’s red locks flew loosely around her head as they escaped the loose bun, making look more like a fire dancing with the wind.

Thank you, God, for letting the fire loose around her. Shay thought, giving a smile.

Katie’s face showed pure awe and contentment as if she was seeing a different city.

 Shay then thought that it was as sure as hell about time he’d get to know more about this lass.  

Shay asked her, “So how did you ended up living with the Finnegan’s Katie?”

Katie was caught unexpected by the question. She’d given the answers some thought. In her quiet heart of hearts, she’d only remembered little of her parents, most of the memories that were strong were the ones involving Daniel. 

    Finally she’d took a breath as she started telling her story, “My parents were on their way to the colonies to start a new life away from the influence of the British crown. But then again, most of the reason why was to back away from the relatives back home. My extended family back at Galway still couldn’t stomach the thought of a marriage of an Irish man and Scottish woman. 

Shay blinked in surprise, “Never suspected you were part Scottish.”

Katie signed and nodded as she said, “Aye. Some pedigree eh?”

Shay smiled the devilish smile she’d seen, “No, although that explains the hair and the thick skull you have.”

Katie shook her head, smiling, “Says the man who fought thieves away when barely out of sick bed. Let’s see who has the thickest skull, or do I need to throw rocks next time to prove it so?”

Shay shook his head with a quiet laugh, “Probably caused your family back at  the homeland grief.”

“Now your just pushing it.” Katie continued with a smirk, “As for the red hair, that came from my father, Nathaniel Shepherd. He’d had the thickest locks on that side of the pastures of Ireland. 

He actually meet my mother at a pub. Her voice, dark hair, and blue eyes won him over. But I think it was her singing that casted a spell on him. They courted for a year, then decided to get married and a couple years later, they had me.”

“One day, my father gambled most of his life savings at a pub in a game of boards, and fortune won him more than enough to start a new life in the colonies. Still, can’t believe how lady luck was with him.”

“He made his own luck, Katie.” Shay stated. 

Katie rolled her eyes as she continued, “He planned to have a farm and blacksmith shop of his own. He’d wrote to Cassidy, (his oldest sister) and told her about their passage to the new world.” 

Katie’s eyes turned sad as she thought back to the memories of her final days with her parents. Shay sensed that this is not the lighten side of the story.

“The pox had gotten them when we were barely halfway across the Atlantic. My mother was the first to pass, leaving my father to die of not only the pox, but a broken heart. The crew then gave a funeral at the sea, and dumped the bodies into the water. When we finally reached New York harbor, the ship’s captain somehow managed to find the names of my only relations in New York, and gave me to the Finnegan's. But not without Barry and Cassidy being at a blind rage on the crew for dumping the bodies without a proper funeral at the church. That was the only time I saw Cassidy so angry. I didn’t blame her, not being able to give your brother a proper sendoff to the heavens above.”

Katie turned to see Shay being right next to her.

“I’m sorry lassie girl. Was it hard for you, when you were handed over to your family?”

“It was hard for the first six months, had dozens of nightmares. The only person who really took the time to make me feel welcomed was Daniel. He became the big brother I needed.” 

“Tell me about him. Daniel.” He asked, Shay figured this was the opportunity to review more of Katie’s personal life as well as understanding what Daniel stood for. 

For the past several months, Shay had been suspected that he was rescued by a templar, and entered into their fold with open arms when he was introduced to William Johnson and Jack Weeds by the coronal. This merely a few days ago after destroying the gas factories and tanks influenced by Hope. 


Even the idea of her try to turn the city inside out still made him lament for her. He often wondered what he saw in her.

But this evening, he is learning more from the caregiver that saved him and became one of his closest friends next to Gist, and yes, even Liam from once upon a time. 


Katie twiddled her fingers as struggled to find the words to explain to Shay about her cousin, without exposing the influence of the Templars. Would he think if she was one of them, based on family? Instead, she’d chosen the simple answer.

“Daniel was a strong willed man. He’d looked a lot like Barry, but without the senior features and belly.”

Shay couldn't help but chuckle quietly. 

Katie continued. “He had thick brown curls that all the women desired on a man. But girls were not his focus. He always wanted improvements made for the Irish district and New York in general. He was the brother I’ve always wanted. The first few nights I’d spent at the home, I had so many nightmares that kept me from having decent sleep. But Daniel would always come down the hall whenever I screamed. He would spend the night beside me to insure me that I was safe. And he would always be there whenever I would get into trouble.”

Shay smiled so big it seemed more humorous to her. “Oh. You, Katie Shepherd, getting into trouble? Now that’s something I would of like to see.”

Katie giggled lowly, “Yes, well Daniel drew me out of more messes then any parent could count in a lifetime. He swooped me out of sailor’s hands, dragged me out of the grand halls, and one time he took on a beating when I stole a chicken.”

Shay's eyes widened with surprise. “Not much of a saint eh lassie girl.”

“I was young and foolish back then. It’s not like a rode on a donkey through the streets naked as a babe.”

“Did you?” Shay asked, his eyes piercing through her barrier.

Katie stared, pressed her lips and uttered, “I really hate you right now Shay Cormac.”

“Sure you do.” Shay mocked with a smirk on his face. 

“Still, he was always there when I needed him. In fact, it was he who found Master Pierce and convinced him to take me as an apprentice. You see, ever since my parent's deaths, I was always wanting to find a way to aid the sick. Being a doctor was out of the question, and surely I can’t be just an assistant nurse. So a herbalist was the second closest thing.”    

Shay had to ask the following question since he never had the opportunity to ask Monro. “How did Daniel died?” He asked.

Katie looked down at her hands as one of her fingers rubbed on a thumb nail. “From what I understood…he died of “a natural catastrophe”. But I suspect that he was involved with…with military affairs. They did bring his body back, though; however, it was so beaten and disfigured that there were no open caskets allowed at the funeral. The priest insisted that no-one should remember Daniel’s face for the last time in such a state.” She turned to look at Shay’s robes. Daniel’s robes, as they changed shades in the setting light. “Those robes you're wearing right now, consider it an honor; for Cassidy never left it out of her sight for weeks. She mended it, cried in it, and kept it closest to her. I suppose it’s her way of coping.”

Shay looked down upon her robes, a new sign of respect for the simple robes. “No parent should ever bury their child.”

“Indeed, there were times I wished I could of…of say things differently to him.” A tear went down her cheek. She quickly wiped it from plain sight. “I’m sorry, I’m just…”

Shay placed a gloved hand on top of her hand, “It’s fine. You miss him, it completely natural when grieving for a loved one.” 

Katie took a calming breath. It won’t do any good to act like a baby. “So you asked me about my family history, but I never knew if you’d had family in the colonies or anything about you in general.” Shay’s eyes went distant as he’d gazed out into the sea. 

“I have to say theres not much to tell. I never knew my mother, for she’d died giving birth to me and my father handed me down to my Aunt Eliza, my mother’s sister in order to raise me. Suppose it was a way for me to imagine what my mother would of looked like; but that goat couldn’t had been related to my mother. My aunt did mentioned a few times that I inherited her character. She must of been more delightful to be around like a good Irish woman should be.”

Katie’s face expressed confusion. “If your mother died the hour before you were born, how could you compare personalities to someone you never even meet?”

Shay shook his head, “If you ever meet Eliza, you would know right away.” 

He continued his story, “My father was a merchant marine, so I barely seen him at home. We lived down close to the docks in the southern region by the Hudson. Life was…hard, yet we survive. Not until I grown to the right age of 13, or was it 14? I joined my fathers company and sailed with various ships.” Shay closed his eyes as if he was lost in the depths of his memories. “Those days were the longest, yet most beneficial in my young life. I learned how to defend myself, to fight, and how to handle a ship.”

“Sounds exciting,” Katie said as she scooted closer to him. “I bet you had some dangers too. Tell me, what was the most frightening thing you’d ever had to face in your youth?”

  “One time, a ship full of pirates attacked one of the ships and climbed aboard. We fought them hard. The captain of the pirates and my father were in a face-off. I grabbed a pistol and shot the captain clean through, killing him instantly.”

“And without their captain, I assumed they retreated?” Katie asked.

“Most of them did, the rest fought to the death.”

“Didn’t it bother you, though,” Katie began to ask “to kill a man. I mean he was a bloody pirate, yes, but you were so young.” 

Shay looked slightly down as if he thought hard about his answer. “I never showed it to my father, but at night, when I slept in my hammock in the lower deck of the, I would pray and cry out for forgiveness. But as the days went on, I felt that it was necessary for that man to die.”

“You were commissioned to transfer goods, of course, you did what you had to do!” 

Shay once again looked out over the ocean horizon. the sun was close to the edge of the water.

“In time, I had to except the fact that it was part of the duty as well.”

“I bet your da was proud of you nevertheless,” Katie said assuredly.

“Aye that he was.” Shay’s expressions were once again distant with a filter of sadness. Katie sensed of what was to come. “Few weeks following the pirate attack, a large storm appeared out of nowhere. We struggled to keep the ship afloat. I can still remember the burning of the salt water as it thrust on my face. We lost a lot of good sailors that night, my father among one of them. We never recovered any of the bodies from the forsaken sea.”

Katie felt condolence and sadness towards Shay. Hasn’t this man been through enough in a quarter of a lifetime Lord? 

She gripped Shay’s leather gloved hand. He turned and looked down at Katie. “I am so sorry Shay. We both lost a parent or two from the sea, believe me, I understand.” He gripped back slightly tighter on her thin hand. 

“My thanks, but I would have to disagree,” Shay responded.

Katie blinked in confusion. “On what?”

“After I returned to New York, I spent most of my days drinking at local taverns and picking fights there or in the fight clubs. It wasn’t until…” Shay seemed to hesitate within his thoughts that made Katie secretly cautious. “Until the a-childhood friend of mine got me into  that I do now.”

“I see,” Katie said though she knew who he was talking about. Liam. “Well if you ever see him around here, I bet he can teach me how to go through thick skulls.”

“He’s-long gone.” Shay’s distant voice was beginning to worrying Katie.

“So Shay, I assumed you're finally settled here?” She decided to change the subject matter. The ox in the room as Cassidy would call it.

“Aye lassie girl, I think I am. Seems that the bells of New York always seems to lead me back here.” Shay took a deep breath, the scent of salt and smoke filtered the air. 

“Didn’t you had a home, well that is where did you settle down before your…accident?” Katie knew she couldn’t risk any indications of her interrogations to be obvious. 

Shay looked northward as if he expected someone to appear out of the thin air. “I-I lived in a modest bunkhouse farther north from here, near the River Valley. Used to bunk with the others.”

Katie knew the location of the bunkhouse. One of many hidden bunkhouses along the shores near the homestead. They were modest, but the largest was the home that belonged to Mr. Fockner, the caretaker of the ship, Aquila, the deadliest of the ships. 

As Katie tried to gather her hair into a bun again, she commented, “I bet it must be nice to have a home to call your own. I wish I could just walk over and own my own property. Not that I don’t appreciate my aunt and uncle, heavens no. It’s just, I feel that I should have a little more individuality…ah damn!” He hair was flying all over her face. Shay gathered it and held it up for her, allowing Katie to tie the fiery hair tight against the wind. “Thanks.” She told Shay as he’d let go of the hair.

“Not a problem. As for your own land, it could happen to all women. Things can change.”

Katie looked out to see the sun dipping over the mountains. Panic struck her bloodstream.

“Great Saint Andrews!” She cried. “I was supposed to be back!”

Shay nodded, got himself up and looked down. As Katie lifted herself off from the nest floor, Shay then turned and handed a small string to her, “Tie your skirts in between.”


“Trust me, Katie, you’ll thank me later,”

Katie did as he said, as she made a knot, Shay swopped her at the waist and said, “Hold on and… jump!”

Katie and Shay jumped in unison, Shay one again grabbed the hook with one hand and the weight of the children of Ireland landed them on the deck. Katie opened her eyes to see that she was underneath Shay, his arm still holding around her waist. 

A sudden applause caught the two off guard. Both Katie and Shay looked up to see Gist and some of the crew men with him.

“Ah, what a marvelous entrances to you both. I can only imagine what happened up in the nest.” Gist said, aiding Shay to his feet.

“Nothing happened!” Katie snapped defensively. “We were just…”

Gist shook his head. “Always a snapper eh Captain, couldn’t even take a joke.”

Shay reached down and helped Katie up. 

She arched a brow and asked, “You knew some of the men made it back, didn’t you Shay?”

Shaking his head, all Shay could reply was, “Well I didn’t want Barry to kill all of the Morrigan’s crew for looking underneath his niece.”

Katie’s eyebrows went hard and she punched his arm hard. It was her hardest, but it didn't make Shay flinch.

Shay looked at Gist and said, “If you don’t mind friend, I’ll be taking Katie back to her home now. Man, the Morrigan until I get back.”

Gist nodded, “Of course.” He then turned to Katie, tipped his hat to her. “Katie.” Katie nodded back in acknowledgment. As Shay and Katie passed some of the crew men, a few of them nodded, and a couple tipped their hats to Katie.     

Shay and Katie went up the streets without another word. Finally, they approached the Finnegan’s home before the stars came out.

“I know I will have a tongue lashing from Cassidy for being late,” Katie said. “You sure you don’t want to join us?”

Shay shook his head with a smile. “No thank you lassie girl. As much as I love your aunt’s cooking, I need to return to the Morrigan.”

“You're just afraid of facing my uncle for bringing me home late.”

Shay smiled and nodded, “That’s half true.”

Katie started to make her way to the front door when she turned on her heels at the gate.

“Shay!” Katie called out, causing the Irish man to turn on his feet as well. “Thanks again, for the tour and the talk. It felt very-very welcoming.”

“My pleasure. We all needed a break from the madness from time to time.”

Katie nodded. “Don’t be a stranger to come over.”

“Aye. Well…sweet dreams lassie girl.”

Katie nodded with a wink. “Goodnight, Captain Cormac.” She then went inside and closed the door behind her.


After a bundle of questions from her aunt and uncle, following with a delicious dinner that Barry was craving for, Katie went upstairs to her bedroom. She took out the old robes that Shay was found in several months prior. She tried to save most of it, but it proved to be too damaged to save. So she started cutting up the fabrics and storing the cut pieces under her mattress. Katie washed the dirt from her face, and went to bed feeling comforted and having the knowledge that she helped Shay start a new life. Oh Lord above, don’t let the templars influence him strongly. Was all she could pray for her friend.

Aye Mi this was a hard one to put together. It took one a month of con crud, roping travels, runaway steers, wedding, and more. But it is finished! The crows nest scene. After tons of research through the AC Rogue guide and talks with sunsetagain I got it done. I tried to show the venerable side of Shay, and more development for the scottish-irish lady. lol.

Previous Chapter</u>

Walk in Two Worlds: AC Rogue Fanfic Chapter 6Chapter 6
    Two weeks had passed, and Katie was summoned through a secret note, to be at a private meeting with Hope and Chevalier at Hope’s mansion in the downtown district. As much as she was pleased to see assassin influence upon the gang members, it still made Katie apprehensive whenever she would pass by each member. Few of them will whistle at her, or some would say comments that Katie would block from her mind. She knocked on the front door, and a very muscled man answered the door.
“Yes, what do you want?” He’d asked in a thick german accent.
Katie gulped at she looked up at the 6’2 man, his hand seemed to be strong enough to break her arm alone.  
“I’m…I’m Katie Shepherd, Mistress Jensen has sent for me.” Katie reached into her pocket and gave the goliath a copy of the letter. He looked at it, then to her, and back down again. He then stepped away from the d

First Chapter</b>
Walk in Two Worlds: An AC Rogue Fanfic Chapter 1To the recipient of this USB file,
 I am not sure how you got this, but I pray that this is in Assassin hands. But if not, there is an email that you need to contact. I am bleeding and barely keeping it settle in a internet Cafe, but it is hard to do…when you are injured by a shot in the arm.
I don’t have much time, in the following is an email All you have to do is email it with a simple code. It’s NOTHINGISTRUE72! Just send a copy of the folder and it will get there. You may expect someone contacting you for more information. In the mean time, you are responsible for this data. This is data from Abstergo Entertainment on an unknown subject matter. This subject’s DNA will be the key…
Need to go. All I can say, the ancestor your about to witness is an assassin from the French and Indian war. Abstergo skipped the rest due to the first data being…normal at that time. But I have dug into it, and trust me,

Assassin's Creed Rogue characters © Ubisoft
Katie Shepherd © Shawnie Peck
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